WhaleAds offers unique advertising solutions by delivering impressive ads in premium OTT and CTV
environments. Using our professional tools and platform, you can now reach your precise target audience at
the right time, in the right context.
Find unique audiences with our exclusive connected TV ad inventory through rich
interactive ad formats and creative cross-screen capabilities.
Actionable Analytics
A data driven platform that assists marketers to reach the target audience
through accurate measurements.
Measurable Results
Our single platform supports real-time login and third party intervention for
monitoring purposes.
Data Protection & Compliance
Strictly abide by the regulatory requirements of various countries on data
privacy and digital advertising, such as GDPR in EU, LGPD in Brazil, etc.
Benefits of CTV Advertising
Big Screen Big Experience
Advertising on large screens provides more brilliant viewing experience.
Multi-user with One Screen
For the entire family, precise audience targeting with optimal reach.
Meaningful Digital Results
Advertising on large screens provides more brilliant viewing experience.
Get More Interactive
Interactive Connected TV Ads will drive more actions from user.
More Effective Impressions
Increases brand awareness and conversion rate among your target audience.
More Cost-effective
Reach your target audience and goals in a highly cost-effective way.
Gain More Attention
CTV ads outperform other platforms and boasts a better completion rate.
Rich Ad Formats
Such as linear video ads, autoplay ads, display ads, interactive ads, etc.
Let's Talk!
Ready to discover more about advertising on WhaleAds Platform?
Let us know how we can help you today. Please fill out the form and we will get back to you